The biggest challenge for me with having a blog is remembering to post when my life gets busy and interesting. Of course, when things are dull I have ample time to post about how bored I am but that's not going to get me e-famous.
Work has been going swimmingly. I am becoming a retail goddess, selling things at a higher volume than has ever been seen before and crushing my numbers like so many crushable... things. Well, okay, so that's a rather large embellishment. While work has been going fairly well, I am certainly no retail goddess. I'm less clumsy when handling people's change and putting things in bags (except I still cannot for the life of me figure out how to open our stupid plastic bags with one hand because they stick together impossibly and I always end up nearly ripping the thing in half while trying to finagle it open). Also, I suck at counting my drawer and usually have to do it a minimum of twice to get things right.
But otherwise, it's been pretty good. I haven't had anyone yell at me (yet) and I haven't broken anything. I did drop a headband while putting things into a customer's bag, only to find it an hour later on the floor. Oops. I suppose, though, that mistakes are part of the general learning process and eventually I will get the hang of it all and become somewhat retail god-like. Or I'll find something more up my alley to replace it with.
Beyond the realm of selling things for a living, I've been spending time with Terrell and Allison when she's been around for visits. It has been really nice getting to spend time with her and Rachel again the past month or so, but after a couple of weeks from now they'll both be gone for good - one in Maine and the other in L.A. and then it will really sink in that my college era is over. When I think about it, I feel blessed to have lived with the same people for the entire four years of college. During that time, we became best friends--more like sisters--and formed a bond that I can't see being broken by mere distance from one another. Yet I'm still going to miss them!
We journeyed to the Sterling Renaissance Festival on Sunday, which was great fun. It was the "Pirate Invasion" theme weekend, so we saw lots of people in elaborate pirate costumes parading around, including the best Jack Sparrow impersonator I've ever seen. As the three of us crowded around him for a picture, he declared "Ooh, double... er, triple. I can count!"
I had never been to a Renn fair before, and would definitely like to go back again. It made my inner seventh grader weep with joy :D
Cute shop selling emu and ostrich egg art. |
Jousting! Mmm, men in armor on gigantic horses thrusting sticks at each other. |
Sir William, the evil knight. Booooo! |
Sir Robert, the good knight. |
What made one evil and the other good, you ask? Well, Robert represented the side of the field we were on and William represented the other side. Ergo, William evil and Robert good. Makes perfect sense! Also, Robert won so good prevailed (:
This dude was the best dressed non-worker there. I finally was able to get a picture of him when he stopped to buy a pretzel from a man in a kilt. |
The sheriff (center), his son (left) and the executioner (right). |
Before we left, we watched a public execution. I have to say, I was more excited for this than the jousting. That's probably rather telling about my potential to be a bloodthirsty psychopath.
This dude had some of the scariest faces ever. HUGE TEETH! |
So, yes, it was a good time indeed. I unfortunately didn't get to buy the wine slushie I wanted, but I had seven samples so it's likely I actually
did have the equivalent of one whole one. Hee!
I'm sleepy now. Not good since I've got work from 1:30-10 tonight and it's 11:00... perhaps I should take a nap. Arg. First I need to go to the UPS store and get my camera shipped to Samsung so they can fix whatever's wrong with it. I used Terrell's camera at the fair, hence the poor quality (and significant lack-there-of) of pictures. I want mine baaaack! Then I can post more pictures in this blog, and more pictures = more interesting posts for my lovely readers.