Britain is a hologram
I say weird things. People who know me know this, but since this is a blog and not real life it occurred to me that my readers who don't know me might not know. (Try saying that sixteen times fast!)
This is a conversation Terrell and I had yesterday while driving to Wegmans in a failed attempt to pick up my prescription:
Me: "It's weird seeing people on TV in real life because you can never tell if they really exist or are just holograms."
Terrell: "What?!"
Me: "No, seriously. I am convinced Simon Cowell is a hologram. He's so stiff and robotic."
Terrell: "He's British."
Me: "Maybe Britain is a hologram. Have you ever been there?"
Terrell: "No..."
Me: "Then you don't know for sure!"
And really, you can't know for sure. I know some people might comment saying they've been there, and hey, maybe you have. But there are places you haven't been. What if every place you currently aren't at really is a hologram? You'd never know.
*spooky music*
I think I had a point to this post. But I can't really remember it now. So, I guess I'll leave you with this picture of Katie from Horton Hears a Who. She's a character I feel I can really identify with.