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At least it's not fast food.

Well, my first day as a working adult is over. Pretty typical stuff: sell things to people, sell as many things as possible, and reorganize the things they knock over in the meantime.

Though I did enjoy my first day, and I know it will be an interesting job, there is a voice in the back of my head telling me "You can do so much better." I'm proud to have gotten a job less than two months after graduation, but I suppose I imagined myself doing something a little more fulfilling than minimum wage retail. Especially coming out of such an amazing work-study job as an editorial assistant for a publishing press. Still, a job is a job and I desperately need one. So I will memorize the hot new fashion trends for tweens and put up with hours of Justin Beiber wailing about his "lover" (cue some serious ick, he's like ten years old).

And really, it could be worse - at least the store is air conditioned. After almost a week of weather in the 90's that is a huge relief! Seven hours in that environment left me totally unprepared for the humid, disgusting world that awaited me past the mall's glass doors. All I can say is thank god for half an uneaten watermelon in the fridge and my bedsheets in the freezer.

I know this is all only temporary, and that the lack of fulfilling jobs is due completely to my location and the economy. But I can't help but feel like I've already failed somehow, in not being able to land something amazingly perfect right away. It's silly, though, and I know when I look back on this I will be proud of myself for serving my allotted time on the lower decks of the flag ship of life (okay, these metaphors are getting out of hand and lacking sense -- I blame exhaustion). I just kind of hope that the next year flies by until it's time to make some real decisions about the future and make my way out into the world.

Blah. There was way more I wanted to say. I think some part of me planned on finding my camera's charger and connecting it to the computer to download and post some of the pictures I took on the fourth of July. That part of me is clearly insane and has gone away to its padded room. And I think I'm going to follow its lead, except I'll just stick to my nice padded bed.

I did only get about 4 hours of sleep last night. Oy.

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the girl

the girl

the blog

This blog is about me - my musical discoveries, my efforts to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, my wedding plans, my adventures and mishaps as I navigate the world. Sometimes it'll be boring, sometimes it'll be sad, sometimes I hope it'll be hilarious. Stick around for recipes, photographs, lists, musings, music and ramblings a-plenty.


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