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Can I have a broccoli, spinach, and banana vodka shake to go?

Nine long months after the discovery of several small pulmonary emboli (blood clots) in my lungs last October, I have finally been cleared for takeoff cleared for any remaining issues related to that incident. I began seeing a new doctor at the beginning of the summer who actually talked to me about my progress and he decided it was probably time for me to come off the blood thinners. After a CT scan, two more blood draws, and an appointment at a pulmonologist office this morning I am finally FREE!

Blood thinners come with a lot of diet change requirements. Many foods interact badly with the medication, either making it less effective (in the case of bananas, broccoli, spinach, potatoes, and pretty much anything with too much potassium/vitamin k) or more effective (alcohol). And it's also pretty much glorified rat poison, so to have been taking that every day for almost a year is terrifying indeed. But no more! Of course, I did just refill my prescription yesterday, but it was only $1 so no big deal really.

Though I will admit, it's somewhat scary to know I'll have no protection in place to prevent new clots from forming. They never did really determine what the cause was. We blamed my birth control and a recent train trip, but it wasn't an exact decision. I will have to simply keep working on living healthy, exercising more (!!! I am so bad at this part), and pay attention for any issues in the future. But oh god do I hope there aren't any. I am sick of doctors and blood draws and hospitals and fear.

After my appointment, I wandered up the hill to campus and sat for a while on a bench on the quad reading/writing down ideas for the layout I'd like to try making for this blog. Being on campus makes me ridiculously wistful and almost sad. I still wish I could just go back to college and start all over again. I want classes and assignments and a real purpose for life. I'm sure I wouldn't feel nearly as mopey about the whole thing if I had a job which left me fulfilled, but I just can't help feeling like I somehow went backwards instead of forwards after graduation.

Or maybe it's just a sign that I'm doomed to be a complete nerd for life. Because I actually do miss classes and homework. That's what grad school is for, I suppose, and I'm going to make it my #1 goal to do at least an hour of GRE study every day in August. I have slacked like crazy on that, and if I'm going to attempt to apply to schools this fall I need to take that damn test in September/October.

For now, I'm going to shower and do some epic cleaning because this apartment is HIDEOUS and I am embarrassed for my cat to have to live in such filth.

And I am so going to steal some of Terrell's vodka while I'm at it. Because I can!

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the girl

the girl

the blog

This blog is about me - my musical discoveries, my efforts to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, my wedding plans, my adventures and mishaps as I navigate the world. Sometimes it'll be boring, sometimes it'll be sad, sometimes I hope it'll be hilarious. Stick around for recipes, photographs, lists, musings, music and ramblings a-plenty.


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