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Cats are evil. And fluffeh!

Oh hay there, I'm not dead! I would say that work has kept me from blogging, but the truth is I've just been lazy. But my cat, Possum, has inspired a post with her crazy antics, so here I am.

Becoming a cat owner again for the first time in four years has been an interesting experience. The benefits, of course, are cuddles with a furry creature and unconditional love based on a necessity to survive (I do provide the food). But there are other things, good and mildly perplexing, which I forgot about during my catless years.

Like the fur. EVERYWHERE. We got Possum this neat little brush to keep her from shedding everywhere and raining down hair upon us like fluffy doom. And it works, sure. But only if we brush her six or seven times a day! I never knew a creature could have so much hair, and she's what's considered a "short hair" cat. At any moment in at least one room of our apartment there will be a lone wad of cat hair, floating like a fluffy tumbleweed through the air. Pleh.

And maybe the fur thing wouldn't be so bad if she didn't insist on sleeping in and on top of our stuff. I have never met a cat more lazy than Possum (and yet she is so tiny... how does she do it?!) and the past couple of days have only gone to further her laziness. Two days ago, Terrell and I finally caved and decided to do our laundry. Eight loads in the washing machine probably indicates that we've reached a catastrophic level of procrastination around here. *gulp* Anyway, so I dutifully sorted all the clothes into whites/towels and darks/colours and sent Terrell in to grab one of the baskets.

He comes out carrying a heaping clothes basket topped with a furry monster. SHE DIDN'T MOVE THE ENTIRE TIME, FROM THE BEDROOM TO THE LIVING ROOM. In fact, I'm willing to bet she probably would have stayed there all the way to the laundromat. Maybe we should have taken her. Nothing like a washing machine bath to rid a creature of all loose fur!

Other recent sleeping spots include: curled up on top of a shoe bin under the clothes hanging in the closet, inside a TINY shoe box that my new sandals came in, my purse, my visiting little brother's suitcase (where is right now), and one specific spot on our bed (as shown). She is literally the laziest creature I've ever encountered. For a while there, she was in the habit of leaping epicly from a small shelf beside our bed up into the top shelves of the bedroom closet but the erection of a gigantic bookshelf in the way has deterred that act of heroicism. For the time being. I'm sure she'll figure out a way up there again soon. Sneaky cat is super sneaky.

Speaking of sneakiness... her other (least fun) habit is CLAWING OUT OUR LIVING ROOM SCREENS. We have this really great full porch adjacent to the living room. It's great, it's big, and it's on the second floor so we don't have to deal with random people staring at us. Except for the people living next door. But they're gone now and nobody else has moved in yet. So, awesome porch and of course Possum likes to be out on it and we really don't mind because she can't jump onto any trees or anything and run away. But the stupid animal lacks the patience to wait for one of us to open the door and let her in/out, so what has she done? Oh, that's right: CLAWED OUT OUR LIVING ROOM SCREENS.

This means, of course, that we can't keep the windows open anymore so she doesn't do more damage. And because we can't keep the windows open and it's the middle of a heat wave of epic proportions, Terrell and I (and our visitors) are literally melting to death from the incredible heat and humidity that is overpowering our living room.

Why did I get a cat, I ask myself?

Oh. Right.

Because she's freaking adorable and gives me cuddles (on occasion) and constant squee moments of kitty joy.


Although, if she hacks up another hairball like the disgusting mess the other night I may have to make her live on that beloved porch of hers...

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the girl

the girl

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This blog is about me - my musical discoveries, my efforts to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, my wedding plans, my adventures and mishaps as I navigate the world. Sometimes it'll be boring, sometimes it'll be sad, sometimes I hope it'll be hilarious. Stick around for recipes, photographs, lists, musings, music and ramblings a-plenty.


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