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Moving Progress: 1/100%

I've come to realize over the past year that I am the kind of person who needs goals and deadlines. I did very well in school, but never as well as those projects and papers where I was up until the crack of dawn, eating coffee beans whole and working like a madwoman to finish in time. Even when I set aside time to work on assignments gradually so I wouldn't have to pull an insane all-nighter I would inevitably find myself staring at blank pages or rearranging my farm on Farmville rather than do the work. Somehow, I always managed to come up with something brilliant at the last minute. Those quiet, desperate hours produced some of the finest work I've ever done, though how is a complete mystery.

And this translates to everything else in my life as well. I am notorious for putting off simple, basic household chores until the dishes are piled to the ceiling or the cat has been lost under a turbulent sea of dirty and clean clothes tossed haphazardly together. Only when I know someone will be coming over and the risk of my mess becoming public knowledge is imminent do I spring into action and clean the shit out of every single room and surface. It usually lasts a week or so before the disaster area creeps back in. Under a deadline, with a goal in front of me I am golden. At work, I find myself scrambling to produce at least twice my projected daily and weekly goals. Which isn't a bad thing, of course, but it does amuse my less anal coworkers.

I wish I could figure out a way to harness that manic productivity I am imbued with during special occasions and use it in small doses every day. I'm trying -- I've consistently done one load of dishes every day since Saturday, and the pileup has shrunk significantly. Must convince my Zumba'd-out self to tackle a load tonight, though, or I'll be back where I started by tomorrow. I'm also trying to think of ways to minimize the number of dishes (and clothes and things) we have, period, so there isn't as much room for the disaster to manifest. Moving will help, but I'm struggling with that as well because the deadline is technically May 31st... a LONG time away from now, and I can't get myself motivated to work on something that I've got more than a month to complete.

But we got boxes from Liquor City over the weekend, and I am determined to move at least some clothes and dishes to the new apartment by this weekend. If the weather can make up its mind whether it wants to be cold or finally warm up, that is...

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the girl

the girl

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This blog is about me - my musical discoveries, my efforts to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, my wedding plans, my adventures and mishaps as I navigate the world. Sometimes it'll be boring, sometimes it'll be sad, sometimes I hope it'll be hilarious. Stick around for recipes, photographs, lists, musings, music and ramblings a-plenty.


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