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Mmm, feta cheese!

Goooood morning! It's Monday, hurray? I actually kind of enjoy Mondays because I like the feeling of a fresh new start that the beginning of a week brings. Most Mondays, I wake up refreshed and ready to go, unlike other days later in the week when the slump from getting up early and going allll dayyyy long several days in a row hits me.

Mondays are my official weekly weigh-in. I was doing Sundays, but I never wake up at the same time on the weekends so I figured a day where I know I'll be doing it roughly the same time every week was a better choice. So, Monday. This week was slightly disappointing... up .4 lb. to 285.6 (eik... posting numbers!) Not much, I know, but I'd rather see down by .4 than up. Still, I had a good week and I know what my weak points were (lack of planning on the weekend).

I've decided to make a rule for myself that I try at least one new recipe or food each week. I've been getting by on microwavables and pre-prepared foods, which is silly when I do know how to cook and should be honing my skills and really learning about portions and ingredients firsthand. I tend to not want to cook because I grew up afraid of cooking, but when I do actually try the results are (usually) pretty good. Like this morning, when I decided to try my hand at making an omelet for breakfast.

This wasn't my first time making one, but it has been over a year. Last night we went to the store and I bought all sorts of new produce, including a package of mixed mushrooms (shitake, portabello and white). I decided to use them, then realized I also had spinach and feta cheese and realized I could, in fact, make something totally delicious out of all three. My recipe was:

1 oz. crumbled feta cheese
1/2 cup shitake, white and portabello mushrooms, broken up
1/4 cup(ish) fresh spinach leaves
1/4 cup sliced red onion
a sprinkling of garlic powder
a dash of pepper
1 egg, 2 egg whites

I cooked the veggies a bit in the pan with some vegetable oil before scooping them out and pouring in the egg mixture. After the eggs had firmed up a bit, I sprinkled in the garlic powder and pepper, then layered the crumbled feta on one side. I let the feta get nice and gooey, then put the veggies on top.

Flipping the omelet is always the most nerve-wracking part for me, but this time I really had no problems. Terrell likes to do the double-fold so it looks like a wrap, but I'm fine with the half-flip. I think it looks nice :) I flipped it in half and let that cook a bit so everything was melded, then flipped it over for a few seconds' cooking on the other side. Then I tossed the omelet onto a plate and ta-da! Delicious, delicious spinach, mushroom & feta omelet for breakfast. Fantastic start to a Monday, indeed!

Nutrition info: 229 calories, 9g carbs, 9g fat, 25g protein, 1g sugar, 591g sodium

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the girl

the girl

the blog

This blog is about me - my musical discoveries, my efforts to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, my wedding plans, my adventures and mishaps as I navigate the world. Sometimes it'll be boring, sometimes it'll be sad, sometimes I hope it'll be hilarious. Stick around for recipes, photographs, lists, musings, music and ramblings a-plenty.


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