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In which I ramble on and on and on and on...

Been a couple of weeks since I updated this thing. *blows off dust*

Midterms are upon us, though that really doesn't mean much for me this semester--for once! I had a prelim in culinary arts last night. Probably got a C/B, but the grade for this does not count for much. Chef told us that someone in a semester past got a 40% and still passed the class with an A. Mostly, I just blanked on the cooking method names. All I could remember was roasting, for some reason. And that was the class I missed!

I've got another midterm in my film class which is rather beastly. I'm going to attempt to finish most of it tonight as I'll be heading out of state and can't bring the books with me since they belong to Rachel and she needs them to do her test. Bah. At least it's a take-home, I'd have been terribly stressed otherwise since I'm behind on the course readings. The problem with a semester of 'fun' classes is that it leaves me completely lazy when the time comes to do work.

No job yet. Bah. Target doesn't want me to manage their stores, apparently. Am looking at other options with increasing panic and terror.

But hey, on the bright side, I'm getting a paper published in Intertext this semester. It's really quite exciting, and I think it's actually a fitting end to my undergraduate career. I came in with my name in print, as a staff writer for the D.O. When I think back to that first week of classes, I remember a girl who was completely lost and lacking in any self-confidence about her abilities. The first article they assigned me was a nightmare, I couldn't find any sources to talk to, and literally wandered up and down Marshall Street desperately trying to work up the courage to approach some older students to interview. I am not cut out to be a reporter, which I learned during that semester. Four years later, I am more than confident in myself and my abilities, and this work reflects that. Though I am proud of my 23 D.O. articles, this is what I'll be pulling out to show people in twenty years.

Four years. Has it really been that long? Sometimes it feels like twice that, other times I think that it was just yesterday when my mom drove away and left me to fend for myself, completely independent for the first time. I constantly feel as though I'm simply playing adult, but the truth is that I've been an adult for quite some time now.


Tomorrow through Sunday, I am going to Ohio for a short time with my mom. Dylan has a choir contest on Saturday and she thought it would be fun to surprise him. Since I don't actually get to go anywhere for Spring Break two weeks from now, I figure it's worth it to at least have some sort of vacation... even if brief (and to Ohio D:).

It will be nice to have other people cook for me/buy me dinner for a couple of days. Though I am doing such a fantastic job of feeding myself lately, it really doesn't matter. I made spaghetti squash gratin the other night for dinner. It turned out all right, certainly not as good as the sausage and crimini mushroom gratin, but there's always next time. I also made angelhair pasta with italian sausage & the rest of the criminis for lunch on Monday. I'm trying to force myself to cook at least 2-3 times a week now instead of constantly going for the easy prep foods.

Once I have my own kitchen that I don't have to share (Terrell doesn't count, we cook together as it is), cooking will be far simpler. Now I have to deal with everyone else's shit taking up space and getting in the way.

Graduation is in 74 days. Then, I start the next chapter of my life. Ahhhhhh. I am so not prepared!

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the girl

the girl

the blog

This blog is about me - my musical discoveries, my efforts to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, my wedding plans, my adventures and mishaps as I navigate the world. Sometimes it'll be boring, sometimes it'll be sad, sometimes I hope it'll be hilarious. Stick around for recipes, photographs, lists, musings, music and ramblings a-plenty.


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