- If you have a cat and would like to freak him or her out a lot, put on a workout DVD (and, y'know... work out). It helps if every occupant in the home participates at once, that way the feline becomes further agitated and confused. Just don't kick it - they don't like that.
- Snow is great. Snow is fun. Continuous snow for four+ days is.... pretty fucking awesome (albeit mildly annoying).
Monday morning |
Tuesday morning |
Wednesday morning (remember the bike from Monday?) |
- Holidays spent away from my family are in no way as crazy or fun, but they are ridiculously less stressful. I spent four glorious days in Massachusetts with Terrell and his family for Thanksgiving, and it was heavenly. Delicious food (oh god, stuffing muffins... what has been tasted cannot be forgotten!), ridiculous SciFy movies involving evil bees, and a little too much money spent on Friday shopping (especially since none of it could be excused as necessary gift shopping).
Respect the pumpkin turkey. |
- I think it's time for a new hair colour. Not that I don't like being.. whatever this is. But I think winter time deserves something else. I tried red last year but didn't really keep up with it long enough. Idk...
Roughly a year ago, I tried to become a leprechaun. |
I feel like other people liked it more than I did. But blonde feels too summery, and without the sun to help keep the colour going I fear it'll just go flat really fast. Allison and Rachel will be visiting in the next few weeks, so if I'm gonna do it I'll probably wait until then so I can rope one of them into helping :D
- Christmas music has an incredibly short shelf life. I'm already sick of everything I have and it's only been about a week. -sigh- Still, there's one Christmas song I'll never tire of:
I'm probably going to make a post soon with my top ten (or five or... seven, whatever) favourite Christmas/winter holiday songs. It's a nice thing to do, and I like doing nice things. But until then, enjoy the stunning beauty that is Vienna Teng.
So, your snow pictures are awesome. I am getting kinda pissed that this is what Syracuse does when I leave. First an earthquake, now 95 hours of snow. *sigh*
Also, I love Vienna Tang - her song City Hall makes me cry like a little baby.
Leave it to me to have multiple Google accounts (4?) and sign in on the wrong one to comment at first...
Anyways, I'll help with the hair. Maybe strawberry blond?
And since there's effectively 3 weeks (but really more like forever with the way it's been going) before I my hair needs to have faded back to a work-acceptable color, I think I'm going to try to replicate the red I had a couple months ago.
Hahaha, my cat goes crazy when we hop on the Wii Fit. And I'm pretty jealous of all of your snow. The best we've got here is a non-negligable chance for rain the next few days.